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Circle/Oval Photoset

I used many different compositional techniques in order to take each of these photos, including the rule of thirds, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance, back lighting and side lighting, and multiple and singular circular objects. There are captions below each photo that tell you which compositional technique was used. As far as editing, I tried to make my photos very vibrant and my goal was to bring out the colors in each photo. For the photos that I edited in Lightroom, I increased the vibrance and saturation of the different hues in order to bring out the main colors. I wanted the blacks and whites to contrast in the third photo, so I lightened the white areas and highlights, and darkened the black areas and shadows in order to do that. For the color pop photo, I decreased the saturation of each color other than yellow and orange so the main focus of the photo would be the flower. Finally, for the two photos using filters I just experimented with the different filter options until I found something that I liked. My favorite photo in this set is a tie between the first photo of the oranges and the second photo of the flower. I really like how vibrant and colorful the photo of the oranges is, and I like that the flower is the main focus of the photo because it is the only thing with color.



Asymmetrical Balance/Edit in Lightroom

Single Circular Object/Color Pop

Strong Backlighting/Black and White

Multiple Circular Objects/Edit in Lightroom

Strong Side Lighting/Photoshop Filters

Subject Placement/Graduated Filters

Symmetrical Balance/Edit in Lightroom

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